Offer your storage space on the Sia network.
Official software, developed by the Sia Foundation.
A next-generation Sia host, developed by the Sia Foundation. Built for performance and reliability.
Learn how to become a host and offer storage on the Sia network using hostd.
Third-party software and services, developed by the community.
A Telegram bot (or any other messaging service) that forwards any urgent renterd or hostd alerts from the Alerts API.
Prometheus is a monitoring system for metrics and alerting. The hostd-prometheus-exporter integrates Prometheus with hostd’s extensive metrics.
Grafana is a widely adopted open source analytics & monitoring solution. Set up a hostd metrics dashboard with the Prometheus exporter and this dashboard file.
The Sia Central Host Browser lets you explore and filter Sia hosts by a variety of criteria.
The Sia Central Host Troubleshoot Tool lets you troubleshoot issues with your Sia host.
Third-party hosting software that the Sia Foundation and community would love to see built.
With the recent release of hostd, the Sia Foundation would like to see the community get creative and build new benchmarking and scoring tools. Interested in building a benchmarking tool for Sia? Apply for a Grant!
Running a host requires good stability and uptime, it would be useful to have monitoring tools that track status and alerting tools that send email or SMS notifications when a node goes offline. Interested in building a monitoring tool for hostd? Apply for a Grant!
Tutorials on how to get started hosting and how to use Sia with other common software.
Technical deep-dives from the core team and the ecosystem of developers building technology on top of Sia.
Learn how the Sia protocol works to power redundant, decentralized, data storage.
507,008 block height
86,042 online hosts
482 active hosts
8.54 PB total storage
2.10 PB used storage
1,065 M total registry
16 M used registry
20,996 commits
71 contributors
469 forks
43 releases